Biftu Tolessa Rehabilitation Center

The Importance of the Man, Reverend and Martyr Gudina Tumsa

GTF’s Future Plans: Establishment of Biftu Tolessa Restoration Center

Mama Tsehay, affectionately known by all, considered it her duty to care for those with mental challenges. During her ten-year imprisonment, she attended to numerous mentally ill women who were also prisoners. Some of these women had become despondent due to the harsh prison conditions, while others had been incarcerated for the crimes they had committed. Despite the varying degrees of their conditions and the severity of their mental illnesses, Mama Tsehay assumed full responsibility for their physical and spiritual well-being. One poignant incident involves a middle-aged woman who had been brought in after fatally assaulting her husband by crushing his head with a pestle. Upon learning of this, other female prisoners were filled with dread and kept their distance. This woman remained immobile and silent, spending her days and nights huddled in a corner, staring blankly, abstaining from eating and hygiene. Mama Tsehay took it upon herself to wash and feed her, even arranging for her to sleep beside her own bed.

Throughout her incarceration, Mama Tsehay continued to employ her medical skills and facilitated the birth of over 50 babies. Additionally, she administered basic healthcare to the inmates within her vicinity. Like her husband, Gudina Tumsa, she viewed individuals holistically, refusing to separate their spiritual needs from their physical ones. A woman of immense inspiration, the impact she made on GTF (Global Theological Foundation) endures to this day.

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Mental Illness

Given the scarcity of a skilled and motivated workforce to offer inclusive, accessible, effective, and efficient healthcare, the establishment of the Biftu Tolessa Restoration Center represents a significant stride in better serving communities across the country. Through tearful eyes and aching limbs, Tsehay understood that her suffering was not in vain. She was part of a lineage of believers who had endured persecution for their convictions. She drew strength from the knowledge that her faith was a thread that connected her to countless others who had faced adversity with unwavering resolve


Mental Illness

Regarding the burden of diseases, mental illness reigns as the primary noncommunicable ailment in Ethiopia. Research indicates that mental illness accounts for 11% of the overall disease burden, with schizophrenia and depression ranking among the top 10 most burdensome disorders, surpassing even HIV/AIDS. These alarming statistics underscore the neglect of mental disorders as a significant health concern in Ethiopia, underscoring the urgency of implementing public health measures to address mental illnesses. Prominent barriers to mental healthcare in Ethiopia encompass the unequal distribution of mental health resources, challenges in accessing treatment in remote areas, financial feasibility, and societal acceptance in relation to prevailing ignorance and belief systems. Owing to the dearth of social support networks, families often have to shoulder out-of-pocket expenses for such services. Mental health care receives only partial coverage from the National Health Insurance System (NHIS). These constraints have contributed to a rise in the number of individuals with mental health issues living on the streets, a substantial societal issue necessitating immediate attention.


Substance Abuse & Addiction

A pressing concern associated with mental health is the escalating prevalence of substance abuse in Ethiopia, resulting in substantial productivity losses. People of all ages are affected by addiction to various narcotic and stimulant substances. Despite this, the topic has not received the attention it warrants as a critical societal issue. Rehabilitation centers not only provide post-addiction care but also engage in prevention through awareness campaigns and the creation of pertinent materials. GTF plans to initiate mental health and addiction rehabilitation centers accessible to both urban and rural populations, aiming to promote mental health and rehabilitate those struggling with mental illness.