Unconditional Faith

Oct. 30, 2023

Unconditional Faith

Whether you are a Chrisitian or not, Gudina's story can resonate with you. For believers his story demonstrates the ultimate form of faithfulness in sacrificing himself for his Lord. For nonbelievers his actions of fighting against injustice, racism, colonialism and all forms of oppressive man made structures.


You cannot help but be astonished at his unconditional faith regardless of all the challenges in his life. To list a few things that Gudina had to sacrifice and persevere through to keep the faith: as a young boy at the age of ten he had to flee his home due to family opposition, having to starve and work as a domestic servant, denying a comfortable life as a medical doctor to become an evangelist, losing two children, and he continued his unconditional faithfulness even when God predestined him for martyrdom. People of all faiths can relate to Gudina, and follow his example of dedication–that dedication went to the point of death. Gudina was not only a faithful Chrisitan in his death but also in his life. As a teenager he began preaching in the marketplace. He would take his trumpet, stand by a hill near by the bustling market and play.

People were drawn to his ability and an instrument they had never seen before. Once the market people gathered around him, he would set down his trumpet, tell the people to be seated and begin witnessing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his life he served in the Church as a missionary, evangelist, theologian and Church leader. The international recognition Gudina received in 2004 posthumously is a testament to his unconditional faithfulness. He was awarded the Christus Lux Mundi Award–the witness and service of persons who have manifested the light of Christ during a long and distinguished career either, in the pastoral office or a lay person– by the Luther Seminary in St.Paul Minnesota.

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